Archive 2019

If you are under 30, click on this link to our Summer 2020 Opportunities.  We still have openings for Team Leaders in  Personal Development (Note Soul Care is one of the options) and our Alberta/Japan Network (Note the career opportunities).

Apply now so we can register you in courses to help your career and personal development.  Make sure to mention in your covering letter that you are interested in one of the networks mentioned below:  
      1. Tri-Smart One (Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Parkland County)
      2. Spruce Grove City Center Network
      3. Tri-Smart Skills Network
      4. Tri-Smart Business Directory Project
      5. Tri-Smart Heritage Projects  
      If you are over 30, join our team of mentors and coaches.  Send an email to for more information.

      1. SCiP Internships and Summer Jobs:  Post-secondary SCiP internship students get $1,000 to volunteer for a nonprofit organizations.  The internship combined with a summer job give you about 10 weeks of summer employment, see FACTSnet Student & Employer, and Summer Job Opportunities.  Click on Link to apply and for more information.  Make sure to mention in your covering letter that you are interested in one of the networks mentioned below:  

      The current opportunities are:
      1. SCiP R&D Internships:  For post-secondary students $1,000 to volunteer for a nonprofit organizations see FACTSnet Student & Employer Opportunities
        1. Construction Assistant Internship:  This job is a temporary job which could lead into a summer job for any able bodied person who is willing to work, no experience needed.  
        2. Community Network Developer Internship.  Work on developing one or both of the following Networks.
          1. Tri-Smart One (Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Parkland County)
          2. Spruce Grove City Center
      To get updates on opportunities email Click below to learn more about FACTSnet opportunities 

      This site is for those who want to network on topics related to the City of Spruce Grove, County of Parkland, and Town of Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada. The networks are based on the Tri-Smart Plan developed in 1999-2000, as part of a grant competition. We are applying for funding for youth and organizations to develop the network in the summer of 2019.  See Tri-Community Opportunities.  We plan to develop the following networks as part of the Tri-Smart Networks Hub.

      FACTSnet Spruce Grove
      FACTSnet Stony Plain
      FACTSnet Parkland County

      Tri-Smart Hub Development

      One of the goals of the Tri-Smart Networks hub is to have a easy to access a comprehensive directory of organizations and services in the Tri-Community Region as illustrated below:

      Current Green Book (PDF)
      Pilot Web directory of selected groups:

      Current Directory in the Leisure Guide (PDF telephone #s only)
      Proposed Directory (Like Green Book web directory. See links above).

      We are applying for funding to develop the Hub.  Anyone interested please email

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